What to do if someone has a seizure (fit) If you see someone having a seizure or fit, there are some simple things you can do to help. It might be scary to witness, but do not panic. If you’re with someone having a seizure: only move them if they’re in danger, such as near a busy road or

7 Strategies for Overcoming Setbacks   It is crucial for individuals facing defeat to recognize that success often arises from numerous failures along the journey. Very few people achieve their goals on the first attempt, but they acquire valuable knowledge and experience as they persevere. You can do the same! Listed below are 7 strategies to assist you in bouncing

  If you’re experiencing loneliness, take comfort in knowing that it’s a common feeling that can touch anyone. Remember, seeking support showcases your strength. A simple phone call, a video chat, or spending time with a friend can make a significant difference. It’s essential to stay connected with others, as it can lighten the burden of loneliness. We’re united in

  Vital Signs – A Simple Guide   Vital signs are key indicators of essential bodily functions, significantly contributing to the evaluation of an individual’s overall health status. These indicators offer critical insights into the body’s physiological activities and are instrumental in detecting any potential health concerns or alterations. Consistent monitoring of vital signs equips healthcare practitioners with crucial data,

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs): Ensuring Fire Safety for All     Inclusive fire safety planning is a crucial aspect of any business that accommodates people on-site. Alongside a General Emergency Evacuation Plan (GEEP), it is essential to create Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) to ensure that individuals with specific needs can safely evacuate during an emergency. This guide will

Why do we need first aid in the workplace?   “ Every employer should provide for each work site at least one first aid container supplied with a sufficient quantity of first aid materials suitable for the particular circumstances.”   Health and Safety Executive It is a legal requirement that every business has accessible first aid. How many First Aid

  We are please to be part of Mindful Employer Charter – we are committed in helping and promoting a safe environment for all.   Helping to break down stigma of “BAD” Mental Health.      ‘Established in 2004, Mindful Employer is a UK wide initiative run by Devon Partnership NHS Trust. Providing employers with easier access to professional Workplace Mental

LGBTQIA+ :  Inclusive Terms Extracted from: Glossary (rya.org.uk) For those wishing to support and embrace the LGBTQIA community, here is our guidance for using inclusive language correctly and respectfully. Cisgender A person who identifies with the same gender as the sex that they were assigned at birth.   ‘’I am a cisgender man’’  ‘’I am a cisgender woman’’  Woman People who

UNDERSTANDING PRONOUNS – GENDER Extracted from: Understanding Pronouns – LGBT Foundation Everybody has pronouns that they like to be called by, not just trans and non-binary people. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to people when we’re not talking directly to them, and they can be used instead of names in conversation. Often, they have gendered implications when

Helpline & Support Services – Scotland How to use the Silent Solution You may be in a position or situation where you are unable to communicate verbally with the emergency service provider. Follow these steps: Get Support British Red Cross Visit website for British Red Cross. Opens in a new window Helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are.  0344